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Digital Assets have historically shown low correlation to bonds, stocks or any other traditional assets. The Federal Reserve has described digital assets as a brand-new asset class and is intrigued by the innovation the asset brings to finance. Historically, cryptocurrencies have yielded strong Sharpe ratios over multi-year periods (High Sharpe ratios indicate high levels of investment return for the amount of risk taken.) When incorporated into an investment portfolio, digital assets may help increase an investor’s overall diversification due the historically low correlations that cryptocurrencies have had with traditional asset classes.
There are many use cases for cryptocurrencies, however, on a macro level, two use cases are in high demand. In countries where governments poorly manage their money supplies and create hyperinflation, the citizens of these countries have protected their wealth by moving commerce into cryptocurrencies.
You can see this in Venezuela and Africa in this world-wide heat map of cryptocurrency from: Coin Map.
Businesses and individuals needing to send payments across international borders have also become strong supporters of cryptocurrencies because they offer international remittance capabilities that are faster and less expensive than current methods.
The minimum account size to invest in any plan by is $100 USD. In certain instances, or at certain times, the investor may waive or modify the minimum investment. All minimum investment waivers and fee modifications are determined on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of the investor.
Bitcoin works similarly to other financial assets and is subject to speculation and volatile rise and falls in the marketplace - be careful when deciding to enter..
Bitcoin purchased at a lower price and sold at a higher prices is marked as a profit. It's not a guarantee that the market will rise from your purchase price.
A Bitcoin wallet is simply a method of storage for your coins. You can use the wallet to send and receive payments in Bitcoin securely.
Depending on each plan. Interest on your is acquired Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly and Yearly and credited to your available balance at the end of each cycle. You can use the calculator on the home page to calculate your plan expectations
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Log into your account and click on the "Account Settings". You can change your password there.
Click forgot password link, type your username or e-mail and you'll receive your account information.
Yes! To make a deposit, Simply login into your members account and click on Make Deposit and select the Deposit type.
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Opic Limited is a leading Cryptocurrency trading Group that utilizes innovative proprietary technologies to provide managed cryptocurrency trading services to yield higher profits..
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